The Deep Cove Market Series is a 💯 volunteer run and not-for-profit community event that celebrates shop local + buy local by supporting local artisans and makers. We also encourage our Junior Makers (6-12) and Creators 13+ by having them participate in the market at no cost. BUT you sell tickets..WHY?
Although we are hands on and not for profit we do sell tickets and seek partners for cost recovery—items such as venue rental, custodial, website fees, POS machines, marketing materials and advertising, insurance, signage, event permits, decor, table rental etc. come with a fixed cost. Unfortunately there is no way around expenses for this event, thus the nominal cost of a ticket helps offset these costs and also helps contribute any net proceeds which are given back to local organizations.
We donate our net proceeds back to local organizations in our community. We have donated to the local Lions Club, Seycove School, the Food Bank, North Shore Search + Rescue, Oceans Ambassadors, MSLL and Covenant House.
Our intent is to bring the community together for a fun one day event that supports local businesses and organizations.
If you would like to participate or have any questions about the market please contact us.
The Deep Cove Market Team
~Jeanette Schisler, Michelle O’Neill + Kim Tattrie